Here are the tee-off times for the annual Cornwall Curling Club Golf Tournament, June 18 at Countryview Golf Club. Note that there are still spots available for those still wishing to play. Please contact Bob Fowler at or Karen Currie at
11 am: Rob Young, Krista Affleck, Ray Biage, Dan Hughes
11:06: Mitchell Ellis, Sherry Boutilier, Elaine Hughes, Derek MacEwan
11:12: Kris Currie, Lynda Turnbull, Al Acorn, Cyndi Russell
11:18: Karen Currie, Tony Turnbull, Valerie Acorn, Leonard Gotell
11:24: Gordie Peters, Rebecca Rolfe, Meaghan Wilkie, Mark MacDonald
11:30: Carl Currie, Karen Montgomery, Angus Kennedy, Tracy MacDonald
11:36: Peter MacNeill, Karen Fisher, Barry Craswell, Paul Durant
11:42: Vince Fisher, Jean Anderson, John DeLuca, Barb Arsenault
11:48: Kimball Blanchard, Mary Plamondon, Paula Ling, Vern Chowen
11:54: Tom Dunn, Elieen Blanchard, Lester Callbeck, Helen Smith
12:00: Donald Weeks, Melissa Castle, Corey Downey, Christian Gallant
12:06: Derek Gallant, Carlene Peters, Bob MacWilliams, Ernest Benoit
12:12: Bob Fowler, Ronalda Baillie, Angus Davies