Tenders close Friday on new Civic Centre (Guardian)

Demolished Civic Centre

Photo: Cornwall is demolishing the town’s old curling club. A new one will rise on the same site.

(by Dave Stewart )
CORNWALL — One of the town’s most recognizable structures is all but a memory.

The Cornwall Civic Centre, built in the late 1960s, has been completely demolished — with the exception of the curling club’s ice surface — but it will soon begin to rise again.

The town purchased the original civic centre from the Lion’s Club in 1978.

Tenders on a new civic centre close on Friday, June 17.

So far, the town has spent $37,000 to knock the old building down and another $125,000 on a new refrigeration unit for the curling club.

Since the tender process is still ongoing, it’s impossible to say how much it will cost to build but it has $2 million available through the Build Canada fund.

“We basically knocked down and demolished an aging structure that had exhausted its useful life,’’ said Kevin McCarville, the town’s chief administrative officer.

“We’re replacing it with a modern code-compliant facility.’’

The town is on an ambitious schedule considering the intent is to have the new building up and running in time for the start of the curling season on Oct. 1.

Click to read full story at The Guardian

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