It’s Curling Day in Canada!

It’s ‘Curling Day in Canada’ !!!

Certainly it has been a challenging two years for our curling community right here on 29 Cornwall Road, as we have navigated through the uncertainty and trying times of the worldwide pandemic…..
However, these challenging times have proven, more than ever, that we are a heartfelt and diverse community of people who can carry each other in difficult times….

We have weathered every “circuit breaker”, “pause”, and “modified” directive with the spirit of which being a club member encapsulates…that is… ‘we will be back, and so I will wait’.

We have felt stressed by directives of masks, told where to walk, where to sit, to sanitize, to wash, to stay six feet apart… And we have done so cooperatively and kindly.
For our community.
For the safety of our friends.
For our club.

Here is the thing about curling club life~ it is our home away from home. It is a place where we gather, where we play, where we laugh, and…sometimes… in moments…with longtime club mates and friends… we are called upon to cry.

We have programs, leagues, and sessions for everyone. Children, seniors, beginners, elites, and those in between. Programs for those learning and finding community, and leagues for those going places and making us proud.

We curl.
And in between lovely deliveries, hurrying hard….between every tap and every missed draw… We talk about community.
Our marriages : “He made the best spaghetti last night…”
Our children : “Her science fair is all over my kitchen table. Sparkles everywhere.” Our friends: “I miss her. A lot. Since she has been gone.”
Our jobs: “ It’s been a stressful time.”
Our hobbies: “I finally finished that last project!”

And sometimes…we talk about politics.

The joy that lives and breathes on the ice, and that is carried through the clubhouse…is breathtaking and life giving. We cannot see it as we move through it sometimes… but it it is there. Smiles.
Words of encouragement.
Taunting in fun.

This is your house.
A house where a community of people are always glad to see you.

Curling is for everyone…and our club stands proud amongst some of the best in Canada!

And you can find us right here on the charming Island of Prince Edward Island, in growing community of Cornwall, in the most awesome country of Canada !!

Follow along with us on our social media today as we share some of our favourite stories of past, and an inside look of our club… of love of this sport and our community.

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