Junior teams looking for coaches, and today is last day to sign up for Curl PEI Competition Coach Workshop

We have some new Junior teams who have just moved up from Novice and are looking for a coach(es)!  If you are interested in ‘giving back’ and would like to help grow the game and support these young curlers, they would love your help!
If interested please reach out to us at cornwallcurling@eastlink.ca ! Your commitment would be two one-hour practice sessions per week, plus any competitions the team wishes to enter (which at entry age is not too many).

While you do not need to have attended the below 2-part workshop to coach, no doubt it is super helpful, plus it’s required for certain competitions. 

So don’t forget:  TODAY, Wednesday, September 22nd is the last day to register for Coaching Workshops offered by Curl PEI !!
Follow the link for more information or contact Amy Duncan at Curl PEI (aduncan@sportpei.pe.ca)
Post last modified: Sep 22, 2021 @ 7:36 am

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