Kenmac Energy Bonspiel coming soon!

Our annual Kenmac Energy bonspiel is currently scheduled for January 22-23, after the expected Jan. 11 end of the current “Circuit Breaker” restrictions which impose certain limits on tournaments (and we are proceeding with the expectation that they will be lifted by then), so we still have lots of details to iron out. We hope to have more details later this week, but for now, keep this event in mind and get ready for a fun time, brought to you by our fantastic long-term sponsor Kenmac Energy!

Kenmac Energy is proud to be Prince Edward Island’s only locally owned and operated Heating Oil and Propane Delivery Company, with a full service department and a local office to provide you with the exceptional service Islanders have known and trusted since 1986!

Here’s our wrapup from last year’s event, which was shortened to one day by a snow storm:

Hope rink wins annual Kenmac Energy Spiel over Warder team on a draw to the button tiebreaker!

The annual Kenmac Energy Mixed Funspiel, with a roster of 22 teams was held on Saturday, Jan 18, (it was abbreviated to one day only due to poor weather and road conditions Friday). This resulted in each team playing only two games instead of the usual three. Because of this, the entry fee was dropped to $30 per person from $35.

Saturday morning started with freshly-brewed coffee, and muffins supplied by Country Style as well as a few other snacks. A selection of pizzas was delivered at lunchtime from Pizza Delight in Cornwall.

It looks like the school teachers cleaned up on the brain teaser game!

Looks like Colleen and these public servants know stuff, too!

After the morning games, a brain teaser game was played with the winning team on each draw being awarded Cornwall Curling Club gift certificates.

Darlene Kneabone (left)

50/50 tickets were sold, with Darlene Kneabone walking away with $147.00 at the end of the evening. 

Kenmac Energy’s Kip Ready with organizers Laurie Kelly (left) and Lacey Gallant (right)

Kip Ready from Kenmac Energy was on hand to present the top four teams with Mel’s gift cards ranging from the $200 top prize to $180 to $160 to $140.

Cory Stevenson, Lacey Gallant, Sandy Hope, Peter and Jan Murdoch, Bill Hope, Kip Ready

At the end of the day, there was a tie for first place so a draw to the button was done, determining Bill Hope’s team as the overall winners. Also on his team were Jan Murdoch, Peter Murdoch and Sandy Hope.

 Elrich MacDonald, George Piercey, Carrie Jones, Landen Warder

Second place then went to Landon Warder, Carrie Jones, George Piercey and Elrich MacDonald.

Mark and Kathy O’Rourke, Danny Bernard and Donna Pound Bernard

Third place went to Kathy O’Rourke, Mark O’Rourke, Donna Pound Bernard and Danny Bernard (we’re sure this bonspiel was an excellent warmup for Mark’s next competition, the Brier, and hope to see him in the winner’s circle there, too!)

Corey Stevenson, Lacey Gallant, Darren MacKinnon, Kip Ready, Chris MacDougall, Sharon Campbell

And fourth-place finishers were Chris MacDougall, Sharon Campbell, Darren MacKinnon and Lacey Gallant.

Cory Stevenson and George Younker

Also in attendance to present the prestigious Fair Play Award was Town of Cornwall Deputy Mayor Cory Stevenson. The award was determined by ballot and went to longtime club member George Younker!

Chef McKenna and staff

Balsamic Prime Rib Dinner!

After the awards presentation, curlers were treated to a delicious balsamic prime rib dinner and dessert. prepared by Chef Jenn McKenna and staff of Creative Kitchens. During the meal, presentations of Mel’s gift cards were made to:

Doug Kelly, Amanda MacIntosh, Laurie Kelly and George Younker

1. “There is No Nice Way to Say This Award” aka “Perseverance Award” to the bottom team consisting of Doug Kelly, Amanda MacIntosh, Laurie Kelly and George Younker. 


George Younker, Katelyn Burgoyne

2. Most Senior Curler at the event- George Younker, and 

3. Most Junior Curler at the event- Katelyn Burgoyne.

Lacey Gallant, Trivia Master

Sharon Campbell (right), researching beer questions, supervised by Club President Bryan Sutherland

After the meal, several curlers headed back down to the club for trivia hosted by our extraordinary trivia master Lacey Gallant with assistance from the incomparable Sharon Campbell who researched and administered beer questions. After a tie-breaker, it was determined that Joe Callaghan, Darren MacKinnon, Chris MacDougall and Nancy Milton would each take home a $20  Mel’s gift card.

During trivia, the reverse draw was held with Amanda Irving the last name to be drawn. She won a $50 gift certificate to the Cornwall Curling Club. Also drawn during trivia were five Mel’s gift card door prizes. The names drawn were: Italo Marzari, Colleen MacDonald, Darlene Kneabone, Laurie Kelly and Tyler Davies. 

We are very fortunate to have Kenmac Energy as our sponsor for this annual event. Their ongoing support and generosity are very much appreciated by all who participate! Remember Kenmac for all your home energy needs-including oil, propane and furnace service. Thanks, Kenmac for another successful spiel!

As with all our events, we have many people to thank for their time and energy in helping us make this spiel a success. We would like to especially thank Angela Sanderson who, with the help of Danny Kneabone, completed the draw.

Registrars Carlene and Helen

Also thanks to Carlene Peters and Helen Smith for coming in early on Saturday morning to take registration. And again, to our manager, a huge thanks for all the behind-the-scenes work (too much to list!) as well as the beautiful decorating (upstairs and downstairs) and stepping in to do whatever she saw needed to be done, including helping to serve the meal. 

Brent Irving (front), Angela Sanderson (back) and apprentice ice crew (middle)

We are very thankful to Brent Irving and his helper extraordinaire, Angela Sanderson for maintaining the ice on a very tight schedule. And of course, we would not have half as much fun without the work of Al MacCormac and Debby Sigsworth tending the bar. To everyone else who stepped forward to help us out- THANK YOU! 

Laurie Kelly and Lacey Gallant, Bonspiels and Socials Committee


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