The 7th annual Lorne MacPhail Memorial Seniors Bonspiel wrapped up today at our Club. Ray Biagé would like to say thanks to everyone who participated and helped out with all the work.
Here are the winners:
1. Bill Atkinson, Kay Atkinson, David Murphy, Sandy Hope
2. Linda Fairhurst (centre), Gordon Canfield (right), Al Hammond (left)
3. Kimball Blanchard, Jean Anderson, Ruth Stavert, Don Graham
4. Ernie Stavert, Donald Weeks, Jessie MacPhail, Greg Groves
5. Lew Black, Grant Laird, Missing from photo: Bill Brown, Helen Smith, Vaunda Vanderaa
6. Vince Fisher, Missing from photo: Marie MacDonald, Dick St. John
7. Lester Callbeck (missing from photo), Danielle Girard (right), Barry Craswell (missing from photo), George Younker (left)
8. Leslie Hardy team, (Alberton)