Mark MacDonald, Amber Robb/Terry MacCormac rinks win Wed. Ladder League final round

The Wednesday Evening Ladder League wrapped up for the season on April 6, with, among other games, a very exciting  Round Two A Pool final between the Mark MacDonald and Tyler MacKenzie foursomes. MacKenzie, who had won Round One, had four wins, while MacDonald had four, going into the final night. It was a very close game, but MacDonald ended up winning, aided by a three-point end.  This gave MacDonald the A Pool win, as he beat MacKenzie by the head-to-head tie-breaking rule. Paul Neima and his rink also had five wins but lost to both teams.

Photo: MacDonald and MacKenzie squaring off on ice two.

A Pool winners (L-R): Mark MacDonald, Nelson Dougay, Geoff Boyle, Jonathan MacDonald

Team MacDonald was presented with gift certificates courtesy of sponsor PEI Energy Systems.

The winners of the “B” Pool were decided the previous week, with two teams, skipped by Rob Gallant and by Amber Robb/Terry MacCornac who rotate skipping duties each week, both undefeated at 5-0. The Robb/MacCormac team won the game, giving them the B Pool win without the final night coming into play, as no other team had more than four wins.

Playing with the winning Robb/MacCormac team were second Dawn MacIsaac and lead Colin MacIsaac. Photo is not available,  The “B” Pool was sponsored by Belvedere Golf Club.

Because there are only two nights left in the schedule, not time enough for another 7-week round, and a number of curlers told us they are going to be away around the Easter weekend holiday, it was decided to end the season early. No nights were missed this year for weather or other events, with the exception of the Covid shutdown. The ice will be available to book for practices and scrimmage games – see below.

See you next season!

Ice available next two Wednesday evenings for practices, scrimmage games

All Club members are invited to book sheets of ice for “members’ practice” or scrimmage games on the next two Wednesday evenings (April 13 and 20). In the event that these bookings become popular, the Wednesday Evening Ladder League curlers (who normally use this time slot) would be provided priority booking. 

Ice times will be 6:30-7:30, 7:30-8:30, 8:30-9:30, and 9:30-10:30 pm. Members can book one-hour or two-hour sessions, and should advise the Club Attendant when booking whether they would like a one-hour session or a two-hour session. Booking is now open. Call the Club to book.

Members are welcome to bring guests. If it is their first time, they can ‘try’ curling for free on their first visit. Other non-members are asked to pay a drop-in fee.

Subject to ice availability, the club may also book rental bookings for this time.




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