New Club Executive and Committee Chairs Chosen

The Cornwall Curling Club Executive for the 2010-2011 season were chosen at the June 8th Board of Directors meeting:

President – Karen Currie

Vice President – Jamie Ballem

Treasurer – Chris Montigny

Secretary – Arleen Harris

Past President – John DeLuca

The following Committee chairs were also chosen:

Membership and Draws Lorianne Davies, Bob Fowler

Finance Committee – Chris Montigny, Sherry Boutilier 

Publicity Committee – Karen to assist new chair (not yet chosen)

Facilities Committee- John Deluca

Bonspiels and Social Events – Jamie Ballem, Bob Fowler, Sherry Boutilier

Fundraising and Volunteers – Carol Sweetapple (Lorianne Davies will discuss some ideas with Carol)

Youth Program – Sean Ledgerwood

Daytime/Seniors – Carol Sweetapple will act until new rep appointed

Constitution and Bylaws – Jamie Ballem

PEICA Representative – Paul Durant

Please feel to contact any of the above with your suggestions. It looks like we have a great team in charge for the 2010-2011 season!

Post last modified: Jun 26, 2010 @ 8:41 am

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