NEW Curling Canada Program – U15 Rockfest

Check out this information from Curl PEI about Curling Canada’s new U15 Rockfest program. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out Craig Savill, 613-797-0902 or Amy Duncan, 902-368-4208.

Rockfest Atlantic – March 28-30, 2024 in Moncton NB.

  • Qualifying curlers will spend 3 days in Moncton NB receiving top notch instruction, Skill Development Clinics and competing in Singles Competitions, Triples Curling and the Golden Rockfest. 
  • This is a single competition meaning that curlers will compete and qualify as a individuals and not as a team. 
  • PEI will be sending at the most 8 curlers (4 females and 4 males).  A minimum score of 10/36 pts must be achieved to be invited to the Atlantic Rockfest.

How to Qualify

  • Parents will need to download the Singles Curling App and register their child.  Permission will then need to be given to the instructor who is scoring the athlete.  Since all the curlers are under the age of 15, parental permission is required through the app.  There is currently no other way to enter the scores other than using the Curling Singles App.
  • Curl PEI will be hosting 3 in-person qualifying events.  The first will be on Dec 29th at the Cornwall Curling Club (exact times will depend on the number of entries).   
  • The scoring will all be done through Singles Curling App developed by Curl Canada.  (We have attached a scoresheet you can print to have with you just in case something happens when you are scoring or that you can use a back up.)
  • Curlers are encouraged to try qualifying as many times as they wish.  Besides the 3 designated in-person qualifying events, curlers can also try to qualify on their own with their coach or Jr Coordinator scoring the athlete (note that parents are not allowed to score their son or daughter).
  • Curlers must be 14 or younger as of June 30, 2023.
  • Deadline for submitting scores is February 19, 2024.

For More Information about the Singles Curling App or Rockfest

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