We welcome the team of Kris Currie, Shawn Delong, Dan MacRae and Jamie Currie to the Wednesday night ladder league. We will put them in the B pool to start, and will have to give them the bye for this week in order to have time to redo the draw for next Wednesday (draw is due to Guardian by 5 pm and I have to work!). We would really like another team (or three!) in order to eliminate the weekly bye, so it you are interested in curling together as a team on Wednesday evenings, please let us know! The first round draw results are going to be “interesting” to calculate, so bear with us, as we will get things settled down by round two! As it sits now, the pool with the extra team (will rotate throughout the season between B and A pools) won’t play everyone in a round, so that both pools can finish at same time.
Here’s the draw for this week:
Evening Ladder League
6:30 pm (Pool B)
Ice 1: Joerg Soltermann vs David Younker
Ice 2: Colleen Soltermann vs Greg Groves
Ice 3: Ray Biagé vs Kelly Watts
Bye: Kris Currie
8:30 pm (Pool A)
Ice 1: Bob MacWilliams vs Bob Fowler
Ice 2: Karen Currie vs Paul Neima
Ice 3: Angus Kennedy vs Gord Peters