Fellow Members: As you are all probably aware, the Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) has instituted new restrictions that will come into effect on Friday 17 December. These restrictions will have an impact on how we conduct ourselves while in the Club.
In short, CPHO has advised that “multiple cohorts of 50 participants are permitted at a recreational facility over the span of a day as long as physical distancing of 2m/6ft is maintained between different cohorts and during short periods of interaction at shared areas like entry/exit points, washrooms, concession stands, hallways, etc”.
This is the policy that we were operating under at the conclusion of last season, so we should be able to have a fairly smooth transition back to it. I do expect that there will be a few small hiccups as we reinstitute this policy so I ask that you be respectful of staff and other members if they remind us of the required adherence to this policy change.
To recap the 2 Cohort policy:
Members playing in the first draw of their league will utilize the Fireplace side of the lounge and use the round table designated for their game and enter and exit the ice surface via the Sheet 1 door. When accessing the Bar, please utilize the window on the right hand side.
Members playing in the second draw of their league will utilize the Office side of the lounge and use the rectangular table designated for their game and enter and exit the ice surface via the Sheet 4 door. When accessing the Bar, please utilize the window on the left hand side.
If at any time you notice a lineup of more than 6 people at the Bar, please be respectful of people’s personal space and wait at your table for the lineup to clear.
The wearing of non-medical masks/face coverings remains mandatory in indoor public places. Masks/face coverings may be removed when seated at a table while eating or drinking and once you go to the ice surface. Masks MUST be worn at all other times while seated without food or drink and whenever you are moving around the lounge, washrooms and locker room areas of the Club.
At this time CPHO has also decreed that “no tournaments are permitted in PEI with more than 50 participants mixing over the span of the day regardless of age of participants. Tournaments can proceed under the 50-person cohort rule”. This is essentially the same restriction that was in place for tournaments last winter. Please see our Manager for further details if you have an event coming up in the near future.
Our overriding focus continues to be the health and safety of all that enter the Club. When the CPHO revises their guidelines, the Cornwall Curling Club will also revise our guidelines and Operational Plans. We ask that everyone continue to be patient and respectful of each other as we continue to enjoy this curling season.
Peter Murdoch
Cornwall Curling Club
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