Orientation & Regular Sched. for Junior Teams; Orientation for Little Rock, Novice & for their Parents/Caregivers

Here’s a rundown of our Return to Play Orientation Sessions for our Junior teams and for our Little Rock and Novice Instructional program, including Parents and Caregivers, as well as the Junior Team practice schedule.

Junior Teams

Junior teams at a Curl PEI Development Clinic here last fall, with Suzanne Birt and Meaghan Hughes from Team Birt

As previously emailed to our junior (13-20) curlers,  we will be having Junior Team Orientations and Practices on Monday, October 19th and Tuesday, October 20th from 5 pm-6 pm.

We are now planning to split these orientations into two designated sessions ACCORDING TO TEAMS.

On your curlers’ designated day they will attend with:
Their team (4 curlers total), their coach, and their team parent rep. only, please.
Monday, October 19th, 2020 5-6 pm

Team Shaw, Team Lenentine, Team Schut, Team Jack

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020 5-6 pm
Team Durling, Team Pickard, Team Dalton, Team MacLean
Some important notes:
*Please do not arrive at the club before 4:45 pm.
*The session will run for about 45 minutes and curlers will need to be off the ice by 5:50 pm, and have left the club by 6 pm.
*We are required to be very scheduled during the orientation week during certain times of day. We hope things will have a regular rhythm by the following week.
*While at the session, and throughout the season the curlers, coaches, and parents should remain socially distant (min. 2m apart) whenever possible.
*There should only be curlers, coaches, and parent reps in attendance at the orientation.
*Please bring any and all questions you may have.
*We highly recommend wearing a mask in the clubhouse area when not at the tables eating or drinking, or on the ice.
We will review all on ice and off ice guidelines for the ‘Return to Play’(RTP) operational plan.
After the RTP Orientation on those two dates, we kindly ask that coaches, skips, and/or team parents take the lead in making sure their teams are following our new ‘Return to Play’ guidelines for all Junior Practice sessions. 
If curlers have been oriented (either at one of the sessions mentioned, or by their coaches, skips or team parents who attended the sessions), junior curlers are welcome to come and practice RTP during their regularly scheduled 2nd practice day/time. HOWEVER, these times may be shortened slightly/changed this first week. Please stay tuned.

Junior Teams Practice Schedule

Here is an online version of the Junior Team Practice Schedule that will begin the week of October 26th. The schedule was released to families last week and edited and redistributed on Oct. 16.

Day: Monday Tuesday
Sheet: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
4-5 pm Durling   Jack Pickard     MacLean  
5-6 pm Lenentine Shaw Schut Dalton Novice Instruction
Day: Wednesday Thursday
Sheet: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
4-5 pm           Durling Jack  
5-6 pm   Pickard Schut   Dalton MacLean Lenentine Shaw

Click for a PDF version of the 2020 Junior Practice Schedule that was distributed on Oct 16.

Return to Play Orientation for Little Rocker, Novice, and their PARENTS/CAREGIVERS

Little Rocker and Novice curlers at a U13 funspiel last February

Little Rocker and Novice curler orientations will take place on Sunday, November 1st at 1 pm and 2 pm.

We will also have a PARENTS/CAREGIVERS ONLY orientation and question period on Sunday October 25th at 2 pm. This will be open to parents/caregivers of Little Rockers and Novice already registered and to NEW Little Rockers and Novice curlers’ parents/caregivers.

Thank you for your cooperation during this Orientation Week and throughout the season.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all. Wishing all of your talented young curlers a safe and wonderful season!
Post last modified: Oct 17, 2020 @ 8:59 am

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