Wednesday Evening Ladder League update – seeking another team!

We have 13 teams signed up for the Wednesday Evening Ladder League, which means a bye for one of the two pools at the moment. We would MUCH prefer to have an even number of teams to eliminate the bye, so let us know at as soon as possible if you are interested in entering a team in this two-pool, semi-competitive team-entry league (teams stay together the entire season).

By Sunday evening will be sending out a draw for Orientation Night  (Oct. 21) so teams will know whether to be there for 6:30 or 8:30, and will be scheduled to play a demo game (doesn’t count) with another team chosen at random, following their Orientation session. We will then have our regular Qualifier night on the 28th where teams play another team (also chosen randomly) with the winners going into the “A Pool” and the non-winners going into the “B” for round one, which will start on November 4.

Here are the 13 team entries we have received. Some players didn’t specify their position, or there were two players in the same position, and nine names have not been provided yet, so please let drawmaster Derek MacEwen know about additions or changes for your team by emailing

Also, be sure to register either in person or online!

4th 3rd 2nd 1st
Hank Kamphuis Gerald Dykerman Pat MacInnis Sandra Sobey
Paul Neima Alan Mason Jeff Hannam Randy Goodman
Rob Gallant Hans Wicki Derek Gallant Derek MacEwen
David Younker Doug Campbell Gary O’Sullivan Rebecca Rolfe
Greg Robertson Kim Pippy Jeff Arsenault Laura Arsenault
Joe Callaghan David Fullerton Kellie-Lynn Younker John White
Mark MacDonald TBA TBA TBA
Gregory Groves Donald Weeks TBA Marjorie Matthews
Kelly Watts Cathy Handren Paula Ling Rick Doiron
Clara Jack Grace Bulger TBA Aurora Ulvstal
Josh McInnis
(Team Legion of Broom)
Robert Deziel TBA TBA
Chris MacDougall Darren MacKinnon Sharon Campbell Lacey Gallant
Peter Joostema (Team HJWZ)


Bob Wakelin George Zafiris Stephen Hickey



Post last modified: Oct 17, 2020 @ 6:33 pm

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