PEI Scotties and Tankard here at the Cornwall Curling Club January 4-7

It’ll be a busy four days from January 4th to 7th (plus a banquet the previous evening), here at the Cornwall Curling Club, as we host both the Tankard PEI men’s curling championship and the Scotties Tournament of Hearts PEI women’s championship, with five teams competing in each event. Future Scotties and Future Tankard junior teams, who may someday enter the Scotties and Tankard, will also be in attendance at the banquet and opening ceremonies, and will be participating in a curling camp at the Charlottetown Curling Complex. 

Admission is just $5 a draw or $20 for a full event pass. Opening ceremonies go at 6:15 pm on Thursday Jan. 4th with draw 2 following at 7 pm.

Both the Scotties and the Tankard will play modified triple-knockout formats, where the winning team from each section also gets to compete in the next section. If a team wins all three sections, they will win the event without a championship round. If a team wins two sections, they will advance to a championship game against the winner of the other section and will take the championship if they win the game. If the other team wins, there will be a second championship game, with the winner of that game going to the nationals. If there are three separate section winners, the team that played in the most section finals will earn a bye to the second championship game where they will face the winner of a game between the other two finalists.

Five rinks to compete in PEI Scotties 

Two teams from the Charlottetown Curling Complex, two from the Cornwall Curling Club, and one from the Montague Curling Club will be competing in the 2018 PEI Scotties Tournament of Hearts provincial women’s curling championship. The defending champion Robyn MacPhee rink from Charlottetown, and the  runner-up Veronica Smith team from Cornwall are among the entrants, along with the 2017 Junior  Women’s champion Lauren Lenentine team from  Cornwall, and the 2015 Canadian Travelers Championship winning team, skipped by Lisa Jackson, and playing out of Charlottetown. Tammy Dewar is skipping the lone Montague entry..

The  PEI Scotties winning team advances to the  national Scotties Tournament of  Hearts, January 27 to February 4 in Penticton BC.

PEI Scotties website:
PEI Scotties and PEI Tankard Live Results:!/competitions/3320

Scotties Draw

Scotties Rosters

(Click for team members)

Team  Coach Affiliation Location
W – Team Lauren Lenentine Pat Quilty Cornwall Curling Club Cornwall, PE
W – Team Lisa Jackson N/A Charlottetown Curling Club Charlottetown, PE
W – Team Robyn MacPhee Mitch O’Shea Charlottetown Curling Complex Charlottetown, PE
W – Team Tammy Dewar N/A Montague Curling Club Montague, PE
W – Team Veronica Smith Pat Aylward Cornwall Curling Club Cornwall, PE


 Five rinks to compete for PEI Tankard

Three teams from the Charlottetown Curling Complex, one from Charlottetown and Cornwall, and one from the Crapaud Community Curling Club will be competing in the 2018 PEI Tankard provincial men’s curling championship. Among the teams is one skipped by defending champion skip Eddie MacKenzie, which also includes last year’s team member Sean Ledgerwood at lead. New Brunswick native Josh Barry joins the team at third, with Christopher Gallant moving up from the Junior ranks and playing second stone. Last year’s front end of Matt Nabuurs and Robbie Doherty are playing on a team skipped by John Likely, with Robert Campbell at third. Other entries include last year’s runner-up team, skipped by Phil Gorveatt, with Kevin Champion and Mike Dillon. Mark Victor replaces Mark Butler at lead. The final Charlottetown Curling Complex rink is skipped by Tyler Harris, while the Alan Inman-skipped Crapaud Curling Club team is the final entry.

The Tankard winner advances to the Tim Hortons Brier, March 3-11 in Regina SK.

PEI Tankard website:
PEI Tankard and PEI Scotties Live Results:!/competitions/3320

Tankard Draw

Tankard Rosters

(Click for team members)

Team Coach Affiliation Location
M – Team Alan Inman N/A Crapaud Community Curling Club Crapaud, PE
M – Team Eddie MacKenzie Phil Gorveatt Charlottetown Curling Complex Charlottetown, PE
M – Team John Likely N/A Charlottetown/Cornwall Charlottetown/Cornwall, PE
M – Team Philip Gorveatt N/A Charlottetown Curling Complex Charlottetown, PE
M – Team Tyler Harris N/A Charlottetown Curling Complex Charlottetown, PE


Combined Scotties and Tankard Games Schedule 

Tankard Men’s Games: Green  background   ScottiesWomen’s Games: Violet background 
Qualifier Games have number or letter with Yellow background
Playoff games have number or letter with Light Blue background
10-end games

Swipe left or right to view full schedule on smaller screens.

Date Time Draw Ice 1 Ice 2 Ice 3 Ice 4 Explanation for WA/WB & MA/MB:      
Jan. 4
2 PM 1 1 2 B A 1. One team wins all three qualifiers: Championship Round is not required.
6:15 PM   Opening Ceremonies
7 PM 2  D C 3 4
Jan. 5
2 PM 3  6 5 E  F 2. One team wins two qualifiers. They play in both X and Z (and win the event if they win either game), the other winner plays in Y (and has to win both games).
7 PM 4 G H 8
Jan. 6
9 AM 5 10 I 9 J 3. Three separate winners: the team that played in the most qualifying games* plays in Z and the other winners play off in X and Y. If there is a tie in number of qualifying games played, then the team that qualified earliest goes to Z and the other two teams play off in X and Y.
2 PM 6    11  K  
7 PM 7   L 12  
Jan. 7
2 PM 8   MA
7 PM 9   WB MB   * Qualifying games have yellow number/letter
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