Online Members Database Updated for Current Season


We have just updated our online Members’ Database, current to December 20, and accessed by clicking on the Members tab of, with this season’s information. We are pleased to report that we are up 19 members from last year, from 268 to 287.

This database is for use by Club members and coaches only, and to be used for curling purposes only, normally for finding spares, and lets you look up the email address and home and work/cell numbers of our paid-up members. Home addresses and other info are not stored in our online database. Access to the members’ section also gives you access to our Club documents. 

We respect your privacy – if you would like all or part of your entry removed, or would like changes to your info, just contact our webmaster at If you are a Club member (i.e. your name is in the database) or a coach of one of our teams, and would like access (or already have access and forget your login info), please email me at the same email address, and I will provide you with a username and password. 

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