Red vs Blue, Stick Curling Division goes on Thursday!

It’s time! Tomorrow (Thursday April 14) is the day for the Red and Blue Stick Curling Playday. As you know, points from all our Red and Blue events accumulate, with either Red or Blue coming out the overall winner, making for a fun, multi-part event and excitement building as it progresses!
For the Stick Curling event tomorrow… Registration and coffee service start at 9:30 am and the first draw hits the ice at 10 am. The last draw goes out at 1:30 and the event will wind up at 2:30.
The registration for the event is $20.00 and includes a delicious pizza lunch purchased from our friends at Sam’s Family Restaurant in Cornwall, a drink ticket, and three 4-end games of stick curling!… We ask that participants please bring $20 cash for registration, as the club’s float is too small and cannot issue cash from debit or credit card.
Here is the draw:
Here are the team rosters and colours. Be sure to wear your colour proudly!
Any questions, please feel free to reach out to the club…902-566-4427.
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