Reminder: Wednesday Evening Ladder League Final Round Wraps up this week with “Week 2”

This is a reminder that the Wednesday evening Ladder League wraps up this week with “Week 2” which was postponed from March 3 due to the 2nd Circuit Breaker. This means that six out of the seven weeks of the final draw will be played, with the “Week 3” draw that was scheduled for March 10, not taking place (we chose Week 2 rather than Week 3 to add to the end as it had the proper “A” and “B” pool draw times to line up with the previous week). No weeks have been missed due to stormy weather this year (and there’s none forecast for this Wednesday!), and three of the four weeks off due to the Circuit Breakers have been recovered, with one week added between Christmas and New Years, and two weeks added with the season extension.

April 14 (Week 2) – Postponed from March 3

6:30 pm (A Pool)
Ice 1:  A6-Firefighters vs A1-Robertson
Ice 2:  A4-MacDonald vs A5-Callaghan
Ice 3: A2-Quilty vs A7-MacDougall
Ice 4: A8-Gallant vs A3-Snow

8:30 pm (B Pool)
Ice 1:  B6-Younker vs B1-Neima
Ice 2:  B4-Groves  vs B5-Kamphuis
Ice 3:  B2-McInnis vs B7-Watts
Ice 4: B8-Joostema vs B3-Jack

The “A” Pool is sponsored by Clow’s Red and White and the “B” Pool sponsored by New Glasgow Lobster Suppers for Round 3.

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