The curling season is rapidly coming to an end, but don’t despair – it’s quickly followed by golf season! This year’s Cornwall Curling Club 9 hole best ball format golf tournament will be held, as usual, at beautiful Countryview Golf Club, route 19 in Fairview. The date for this year’s tourney is Saturday June 22nd. It’ll only cost you $27, and includes green fee, range balls, prizes (it’s almost impossible not to go home with at least one!), burgers, hot dogs, and dessert! Signup sheets will be available soon! Golfers of ALL experience (or lack thereof) levels are welcome – you will be put on a team evenly balanced by our experienced handicappers, and the best ball format makes it fun for everyone.
If you need some practice beforehand, don’t worry – you’ll have lots of time, as estimated 2013 course opening date at Countryview is April 19 (with help from the rain that is coming later today!), just over a month from now!