Reminder: evening draw members asked to register by Fri. Oct. 8 at 5 pm. Club open until 8 pm Thurs for returning members registration

In order to ensure that returning evening draw members from the 2020-21 season have their spots reserved before we open registration to new members on Monday morning Oct.11, we are requesting that the returning EVENING members register by Friday October 8th at 5 pm. This will give us time on the weekend to determine how many spots are available for new evening members.

To help with this, we are extending Club hours until 8 pm on both Wednesday and Thursday evenings. You can register in-person, over the phone, or online. Please note that you don’t have to pay right way — you can just register, and pay prior to the first night of curling if you want.

Post last modified: Oct 7, 2021 @ 4:55 pm

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