Season wrapup for Commercial, Competitive, Ladder Leagues

Monday Night Commercial League
After round robin play and standings were tabulated,  the final night of the Monday Night Commercial League on April 5 will see:
Countryview 2 vs Countryview 1 – Ice 2
Holmes vs Eastern Auto – Ice 3
Lank vs Lions – Ice 4

 Tuesday Competitive League
Tuesday night competitive league play has been completed with the following standings resulting in each pool.
Pool A:
1. Lorianne Davies
2. John Delucca
3. Brock Spence
4. Bob Fowler
5. Sara Clow
6. Debbie Rhodenhizer
7. Shirley Berry
8. Rupert Sweetapple
Pool B:
1. Bob MacWilliams
2. Scott Jeffreys
3. Donna Butler
4. Roddie MacLean
5. Paul Neima
6. Karen Currie
7. Joe MacKinnon
8. Tom Dunn
Next week’s April 6 Tuesday night curling will be a pick up game of curling commencing at 6:30 for those wishing to play.  Teams will be made up upon arrival.  Come on out and play on a different team maybe in a different position!  Let’s have some fun!

Wednesday Ladder League

The final draw for the Wednesday night Ladder League will be April 7th.

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