She’s back! Cornwall’s Veronica Smith will once again skip Panthers at AUS Curling Ch’ships (UPEI)

The Veronica Smith rink, three of whom are current members of the Cornwall Curling Club, won the best 2 of 3 playdown 2-0 over the Annika Kelly team for the right to represent UPEI at the Atlantic University Sport Curling Championships February 8-11 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. 

Photo: Veronica Smith

Following the game, Smith said “it was a great series. The last game came down to last stone. We are excited to represent UPEI at AUS. We would like to thank UPEI athletics for their work in setting up the series.”

The UPEI Panthers curling team consists of a new foursome that has members who have seen AUS action within the last 6 years. The Panther team consists of the following players;

Veronica Smith (Skip) 5th year 

Sabrina Smith (Third) 2nd year

Chloe McCloskey (Second) 1st year 

Meghan Ching (First) 2nd Year


Game 1 – Smith 9-1

Game 2 – Smith 4-3

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