Sunday Evening Doubles League Round One Draw

The opening round draw, starting Oct. 25, for the Sunday Evening Doubles League for the 2020-2021 season is now set, with 8 teams signed up, which means we will be using the full 6:30 to 8 pm timeslot, but not the late draw.

October 18th (same 6:30 to 8 pm timeslot) will be an orientation night, with the drawmaster and the Return to Play committee going over the Return to Play guidelines, with those in attendance being able to play a game under the new requirements. The game won’t count in your draw results, and the draw will be made up from the teams in attendance.

Here is the opening round draw:

Sunday Evening Doubles (6:30 pm)
  Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4
    Week 1
Oct. 25th
Kelly/ Rogers  v  Montgomery/ Montgomery MacKenzie
/Quilty v  Jones/ Cudmore
Kennedy/ J.Sanderson  v  Irving/  A.Sanderson Smith/ Burris    v  Warder/ Campbell
    Week 2
Nov. 1st
/Quilty  v  Irving/
Kelly/ Rogers  v  Warder/ Campbell Smith/ Burris    v  Montgomery/ Montgomery Kennedy/ J.Sanderson    v  Jones/ Cudmore
    Week 3
Nov. 8th
Smith/ Burris  v  Kennedy/ J.Sanderson   Montgomery/ Montgomery  v  Irving/  A.Sanderson  Warder/ Campbell  v  Jones/ Cudmore Kelly/ Rogers    v  MacKenzie
  Week 4
Nov. 15th
Irving/  A.Sanderson  v  Jones/ Cudmore Smith/ Burris v Kelly/ Rogers   MacKenzie
/Quilty v  Kennedy/ J.Sanderson  
Warder/ Campbell  v Montgomery/ Montgomery
   Week 5
Nov. 22th
Kennedy/ J.Sanderson   v   Kelly/ Rogers   Jones/ Cudmore  v  Montgomery/ Montgomery Irving/ A.Sanderson v  Warder/ Campbell MacKenzie
/Quilty  v  Smith/ Burris  
   Week 6
Nov. 29th
  Jones/ Cudmore  v  Smith/ Burris   Warder/ Campbell  v  Kennedy/ J.Sanderson   Montgomery/ Montgomery  v  MacKenzie
Irving/ A.Sanderson v   Kelly/ Rogers  
  Week 7
Dec. 5th
Warder/ Campbell  v  MacKenzie
Irving/ A.Sanderson  v  Smith/ Burris   Jones/ Cudmore v Kelly/ Rogers   Montgomery/ Montgomery  v  Kennedy/ J.Sanderson  


Team 1 Irving/ A.Sanderson
 Team 2 Smith / Burris  
 Team 3 Jones / Cudmore
 Team 4 Kelly / Rogers
 Team 5 Warder / Campbell
 Team 6 MacKenzie / Quilty
Team 7 Montgomery / Montgomery
Team 8 Kennedy / J. Sanderson

Drawmaster: Doug Campbell

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