The best part of club life is the very kind people who, when they see a need, are magically and innately drawn to be very generous in gesture and thought.
There are many such hands and hearts in our club here in beautiful Prince Edward Island…Daily gestures and generosities remind us all of the importance of community and of kindness.
Weekdays are always bustling and always full of action on 29 Cornwall Road. It takes a lot to stop someone in their tracks…
But when you see a little project that sits modestly in the corner…one that helps makes life just a little easier for our membership and for our team … it grabs your heart.
You stop what you’re doing and smile.
In these cases, it feels like thank you is not enough.
In this case, we are very grateful to Club Member Kevin Sanderson who stepped in and built a fantastic, and very helpful, stand to hold our stick delivery equipment! Kevin modestly turned down any offers of thank you or compensation and will likely be a little embarrassed by any fanfare from our team …But we know that when we share the kind gestures of others~ it is uplifting and inspiring to us all! It is a reminder in these unusual times that… kindness matters.
Thank you so much Kevin… when life gets busy, these convenient and functional pieces are so valued… and your time and thoughtfulness also mean so much to the club!
So if you are one reading this little note today~ you either know what the community of Club life means… or we highly recommend you come and visit us to find out.
It means friendship and connection..
It means helping hands working collectively to create …community.
And now, more than ever, that matters.
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