The Cornwall Curling Club / ParaSport and Recreation PEI Mini-Bonspiel is March 18th

Our ParaSport Mini-Spiel is scheduled for Saturday, March 18th with draws at 2pm and 4pm with a pizza social at 5:30pm.

This event is a partnership between ParaSport and Recreation PEI and our Club, in which para-athletes and Club members team up to play two four-person per team six-end games.

Besides the two games, your $10 entry fee includes a pizza dinner as well, plus a chance to win prizes too! 

There are limited spots available, so signup NOW, in advance of the March 15th deadline to avoid missing out!

Curlers can register for this single-entry mini-spiel at the Club, or online here:
No up-front fee is required — .. pay on the day of the event.
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