On the morning of January 21, 2023 the Cornwall Curling Club have the privilege and honour of hosting The Strathcona Cup.
This event is one of the oldest international curling competitions in the world – celebrating 120 years of friendly curling between Canadian and Scottish men curlers.
The tourists (curlers) will travel Canada in three tours known as East, West, and Central Tours.
The winner is determined by comparing the scores totals of all the matches (200 – 400 games). Canada won the last event in 2018!
The Club will be looking for sixteen curlers plus two spares to compete against the Scottish team. The event will include one game, lunch, and a ceremony.
There will be a entry fee.
A sign up sheet will be posted the first week of January for curlers and volunteers.
You can learn more about the Strathcona Cup at: http://www.strathconacup.ca/ and a deeper history of the event is located at: https://www.scottishcurling.org/tours/strathcona-cup-history/

The Strathcona Cup