This week’s schedule – PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGES

The Club is typically closed between Christmas and New Year’s for our midseason maintenance.  However, due to the fact that we will be hosting a provincial tournament during that time, the Club will close on Thursday, December 22nd and not open back for regular Club activities until Monday, January 2nd.  

The rest of Monday and all of Tuesday will be on our regular schedule.

Wednesday AM will be used to make up games for our Wednesday Competitive League.  Currently we have sheets 1, 2, and 3 booked.  If you need to make up a game please email or call the Club Manager to schedule a time.  

Assuming the afternoon draw isn’t booked with make-up games we will proceed with our drop-in stick curling.  (I’ll send out a notification if this needs to change)

The Wednesday Ladder League will proceed as normal on Wednesday evening.

All Club activities, draws, and practices are cancelled on Thursday and Friday.  

Thanks and Happy Holidays!

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