Tuesday evening draws (not in Guardian)


The Tuesday evening draw were not sent to The Guardian this week.

Of course, they are always available in the Draws section of CornwallCurling.com

Here is tonight’s draw:

Cornwall Curling Club

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Tuesday, Jan 28 2014, 6:30PM Draw


Ice 1: S Berry vs M. Ching

Ice 2: Kr. Currie. vs B. Hope

Ice 3: C. Montigny vs C. Kennedy

Ice 4: R. Thibodeau vs M. MacDonald


Tuesday, Jan 28, 2014, 8:30PM Draw


Ice 1: J. Farquharson vs Ka Currie

Ice 2: C. Jenkins vs R. Sweetapple

Ice 3: M O’Rourke vs V Smith

Ice 4: M. Smith vs A. Kennedy


Bye: D. Rhodenizer

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