U13 Funspiel (orig. scheduled for Feb. 5) Postponed

The annual U13 Funspiel,  previously scheduled for Saturday February 5th,  has been postponed given the recent direction of a “pause on sports” and then the closure of sports facilities from the Chief Public Health Office. If we are able to re-open January 31st and with the uncertainty of what the possible re-opening would look like, it does not allow the club to be able to plan for the event with confidence. The club will make every effort to re-schedule the Funspiel for later in the season,  and /or offer a FUN event for U13 club curlers on a Sunday afternoon.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the club at cornwallcurling@eastlink.ca  or 902-566-4427.
The Cornwall Curling Club
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