As a fundraiser for the Club, we have agreed to prepare and serve a lobster (with steak option) dinner for the PEI Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association on Thursday June 5, and need volunteers to help out with preparation and serving. This is the same group who have a bonspiel and a BBQ steak lunch at our Club every winter. They have a reception at 6:30, and dinner at 7:30 pm, at the Club. Click for details on the Roadbuilders website.
As well, we have a meeting planned this Sunday May 25 at 6:30 pm at the Club to iron out the details. Please feel free to attend and lend your suggestions on what is needed to put on a quality event for our client. Whether or not you plan to attend on Sunday, please let Joe MacKinnon know by email at if you can help out, and in what capacity. See estimated timeslots and duties below.
We estimate that we need the following volunteers:
5 people at 4 pm to work at banquet setup, tossed salad prep, and cooking of baked potatoes.
2 people at 4:30 pm to cut up 80 cooked lobster and put in trays.
2 people at 5:30 to get 22 steaks and condiments ready to barbecue
5 people at 7 pm to serve the dinner.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!