Water bottle initiative to reduce single-use plastics a success!

We are pleased to report that, thanks to our environmentally-conscious members, our initiative to reduce the use of single-use plastic cups in the ice house has been a great success so far, with far more reusable plastic or metal water bottles and far fewer single-use plastic cups on the shelf by the curling sheets during games. It will, however, take a few weeks for curlers to get in the habit of taking their bottles with them when they go. We are collecting the leftover bottles after draws and putting them in the kitchen area in the first cupboard to the left, if you are looking for yours. It might be a good idea to mark them on the bottom with a label or a Sharpie, (or put nice vinyl letters on the side like in the picture) for faster identification!

Post last modified: Jan 23, 2020 @ 8:19 am

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