Wed. evening Ladder League adds another team-revised draw for A pool

We welcome the rink of Aaron Campbell, Brenda Campbell, Morley Foy, and Gina Foy to the Wednesday night ladder league. This makes 14 teams. As we had a bye team in the A pool, we will add this new team to the A pool as well., making eight teams for the remainder of round two. The originally scheduled draws for the A pool will not change, but the former bye team will now play the Campbell rink. Ice sheet allocations will change, too.  The teams will play a partial round robin.

There is no change to the B pool, who will play a full round robin.

Here are the teams for round two, with the Campbell rink added to the A pool.

Pool A (eight teams) A1-Paul Neima A2-Angus Kennedy A3-Bob Fowler A4-Karen Currie A5-Joerg Soltermann A6-Greg Groves A7-Kris Currie A8-Aaron Campbell

Pool B (six teams) B1-Bob MacWilliams, B2-Gord Peters, B3-Ray Biagé, B4- David Younker, B5- Kelly Watts, B6- Colleen Soltermann

Here is the revised draw for the remainder of  Round 2:

Dec 28


Jan 4

6:30 pm (Pool B)
Ice 1: B1-Bob MacWilliams vs B2-Gord Peters
Ice 2: B3-Ray Biagé vs B6-Colleen Soltermann
Ice 3: B4-David Younker vs B5-Kelly Watts

8:30 pm (Pool A)
Ice 1: A6-Greg Groves vs A4-Karen Currie
Ice 2: A7-Kris Currie vs A3-Bob Fowler
Ice 3: A5-Joerg Soltermann vs A1-Paul Neima
Ice 4 A2-Angus Kennedy vs A8-Aaron Campbell

Jan 11

6:30 pm (Pool A)

Ice 1: A5-Joerg Soltermann vs A6-Greg Groves
Ice 2: A1-Paul Neima vs A2-Angus Kennedy
Ice 3: A3-Bob Fowler vs A8-Aaron Campbell
Ice 4 A4-Karen Currie vs A7-Kris Currie

8:30 pm (Pool B)

Ice 1: B2-Gord Peters vs B6-Colleen Soltermann
Ice 2: B3-Ray Biagé vs B5-Kelly Watts
Ice 3: B1-Bob MacWilliams vs B4-David Younker

Jan 18

6:30 pm (Pool B)
Ice 1: B2-Gord Peters vs B4-David Younker
Ice 2: B1-Bob MacWilliams vs B3-Ray Biagé
Ice 3: B5-Kelly Watts vs B6-Colleen Soltermann

8:30 pm (Pool A)

Ice 1: A2-Angus Kennedy vs A3-Bob Fowler
Ice 2: A4-Karen Currie vs A8-Aaron Campbell
Ice 3: A7-Kris Currie vs A5-Joerg Soltermann
Ice 4: A6-Greg Groves vs A1-Paul Neima

Jan 25

6:30 pm (Pool A) Ice 1: A5-Joerg Soltermann vs A8-Aaron Campbell
Ice 2: A6-Greg Groves vs A7-Kris Currie
Ice 3: A4-Karen Currie vs A2-Angus Kennedy
Ice 4: A3-Bob Fowler vs A1-Paul Neima

8:30 pm (Pool B)

Ice 1: B3-Ray Biagé vs B4-David Younker
Ice 2: B2-Gord Peters vs B5-Kelly Watts
Ice 3: B1-Bob MacWilliams vs B6-Colleen Soltermann

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