Welcome to new Monday draw sponsor Enwave / PEI Energy Systems!

Welcome to new sponsor “Enwave Energy Corporation / PEI Energy Systems”, sponsoring Round 2 of our Monday evening 6:30 single-entry draw!

Enwave is the largest core-competency district energy operator in North America, operating in 11 cities in the U.S. and Canada, including Charlottetown, where they operate the PEI Energy Systems plant on Riverside Drive, which serves 145 residential, commercial, and institutional customers in Charlottetown, converting solid waste and scrap wood biomass from forest harvesting operations to district energy.

Enwave / PEI Energy Systems provides energy for heat, hot water, humidification and equipment sterilization at the QEH, along with meeting energy needs at UPEI where, for example, they serve the massive sports centre complex, with swimming pools, ice rinks, a cafeteria, daycare and fitness centre, and they also provide energy to heat many buildings in Charlottetown, including the Provincial Buildings.


Post last modified: Dec 5, 2019 @ 5:24 pm

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