Ch’town Curling Club hosts Spring Fling at Cornwall

These past couple of years when we have needed some help from our friends at the Charlottetown Curling Club they have been there for us…

 In 2021, during a tremendously busy season where we went through a lot of blades to keep our ice in top condition, we needed a sharp blade for our scraper….our Charlottetown neighbours were there for us, lending us a nice shiny new blade.

And this season was the year that we knew would come one day….our ice scraper died on us. With the help of our Charlottetown Curling Club friends, we were able to keep curling, as they generously loaned our club their club ice-scraper.

With all of this in mind and our gratitude front and centre, recently our Cornwall Curling Club executive passed a motion and extended an invitation on behalf of our membership to the Charlottetown Curling Club to have a day of curling at our club right here at 29 Cornwall Road! A day so their members could reconnect (some who hadn’t seen each other since their last day of curling in Charlottetown)~ a day to talk about the past and the special memories, and a day to look forward to the future.

The new Club President of the Charlottetown Curling Club, Blair Weeks, and the new executive accepted our offer of friendship and reciprocity,  and set to work planning the “Stratford–Capital Area Spring Fling” !…

And what a super fun day it was!! Some beautiful smiles, lots of laughter, and old friends making new friends. It was the spirit of the sport that we know so well in our club~ that is comradery, friendship…..and a great workout during some fun games of curling!

Shelley Ebbett, who helped out with the morning coffee, tea, and treats

Shelley Muzika, helping with the afternoon snacks

Shelley Ebbett worked her magic in the kitchen making sure curlers felt welcomed upon arrival by preparing and offering some coffee, tea, and treats. There were three draws of curling in the afternoon, some afternoon crudités, followed by a super yummy pizza dinner and social! (The delicious pizza was picked up from our friends at Sam’s Family Restaurant in Cornwall!)

Jill Burridge

Holly Smith

Katie Sonier

The Charlottetown Curling Club invited and welcomed some very special guests from the Town of Stratford~ as they have been spending some together talking about possibly partnering and bringing curling to Stratford and the Greater Charlottetown area. The special guests included ~ His Worship Mr. Steve Ogden-Mayor of Stratford, Councillor Jill Burridge, Councillor Derek Smith and his lovely wife Holly, and Katie Sonier who is the Stratford Sustainability Coordinator.

Mayor Ogden

Mayor Ogden shared that the community of Stratford understands the benefits of sport and recreation and certainly are big curling fans, even noting that PEI’s own Brett Gallant has some roots in Stratford!

Jamie Newson

Steve Ogden and Jody Jackson

Also attending as special guests were the Honourable James Alyward- Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, former Stratford Councillor Jody Jackson, and President of Curl PEI Mr. Jamie Newson.

Jack MacFadyen

While not able to be present for the day of curling, PEI curling leader, multiple Scotties Champion and current Board Member of Curling Canada, Kathy O’Rourke submitted a letter of reflection, support, and encouragement to the Charlottetown Curling Club. The letter was read by Junior curler Jack MacFadyen.

Hon. James Aylward

The Honourable Mr. Alyward extended his heartfelt thanks to the Cornwall Curling Club for hosting this event and talked about the special family nature of curling and community.

Blair Weeks

 Charlottetown Curling Club President Blair Weeks also extended his sincere thanks on behalf of their membership to our  Cornwall Curling Club membership, Board and Directors, and our team, for the kind gesture, and noted what a fantastic day it was!

It was such a great day of curling, and we wish the Charlottetown Curling Club the very best as they move towards building a new home and bringing this awesome game of curling to those who have yet to learn about the magic of this sport … and what a special community it is!

Here’s a photo gallery from the event. Click a photo to enlarge, and swipe or use arrows to go ahead/back.

#GrowtheGame  #CurlingCommunity #CurlingClubLife #PEI

Post last modified: Apr 10, 2022 @ 7:32 pm

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