The CK Carpet Kleaning & Restoration Mixed Fun Spiel is scheduled for Friday evening and Saturday. There will be chili on Friday evening, lasagna, caesar salad and garlic bread. Also, we will be curling 5 ends of regular curling and 1 end of surprises. You will have fun even if you don’t want to!
Here is the opening draw for Friday January 21:
6:30 pm
Ice 1 Ray Biagé, Hélène LaPalme, Paula Ling, Helen Verhulp
vs Paul Durant, Tracy MacDonald, Jack Ferguson, Shirley Ferguson
Ice 2 Alan Acorn, Valerie Acorn, Kevin Moerike, Mary Ellen Moerike
vs Gordon Matthews, Mary Plamondon, Hans Wicki, Carolyn Wicki-Doucette
Ice 3 Jamie Ballem, Dick MacDonald, Kim Gallant, Ray Gallant
vs Karen Currie, Gloria Turner, Don Godfrey, Joanne Durant
Ice 4 Perry Mohan, Carl Currie, Colleen Solterman, Gordon Canfield
vs Eric LeBlanc, Donald Weeks, Carlene Peters, Glenda Mallett
8:30 pm
Ice 1 Mark MacDonald, Rebecca Rolfe, Debby Sigsworth, Tony Turnbull
vs Bob Fowler, Danielle Girard, Marlene Proude, Debbie Pineau
Ice 2 Kris Currie, Merle Chappell, Len Gotell, Meagan Wilkie
vs Rob Young, Angus Davies, Marjorie Matthews, Sheri Boutilier
Ice 3 Lorianne Davies, Joe Callaghan, Joerg Soltermann, Linda Matthews
vs Tom Dunn, Frank Weiler, Corey Downey, Ellen Weeks
Ice 4 Rupert Sweetapple, Leita Chisholm, Paul McCarron, Tracy Gallant
vs Peter McNeil, Bill Prowse, Dick MacKinnon, Linda Turnbull