Draws today (not in Guardian)

Today’s draws don’t seem to be in the Guardian. Here they are:

Cornwall Curling Club draw for Wed. Dec. 12.

“The Iceman” Daytime Competitive league

10 am

Ice 1: Ray Biagé vs Barry Craswell

1 pm

Ice 1: Gloria Clarke vs Vern Chowan
Ice 2: Carol Sweetapple vs John DeLuca
Ice 3: Paul Durant vs Lester Callbeck
Ice 4: Paul Arsenault vs Bob Fowler
Bye: Diane MacKay

Ladder League

6:30 pm Griffin’s Service Centre B Pool
Ice 1:  Lew Black vs Mathieu Boudreau
Ice 2:  Leigh Farrar vs -Kelly Watts
Ice 4:  Greg Groves vs Karen Currie

8:30 pm Howard Johnson Dutch Inn A Pool
Ice 1:  Bob MacWilliams vs Paul Durant
Ice 2:  Gord Peters vs Rick Doiron
Ice 3:  Mark MacDonald vs Paul Neima
Ice 4:  David Younker vs Ray Biagé

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