Friday Fun Night and Sports Day Try Curling events held

Another successful Friday Fun Night was held this weekend, with over two dozen curlers in attendance. I hear the pot luck was delicious! Thanks to the organizers, including Board member Krista Affleck. Don’t miss the next Friday Fun Night!

On Saturday, prospective curlers of all ages took to the ice to Try Curling on Sports Day in Canada. A drawing for two Sports Day T-Shirts was held, with winners Jake Dickey and Stephen Lewis. There will also be a drawing for a $100 gift certificate for the curling club of their choice, awarded on Monday from among the attendees at all seven dedicated curling facilities. PEI Junior Women’s champ Veronica Smith, who was coordinating the event at the seven clubs, was on-hand, and helped out on the ice, as did Club President Paul Neima,  Board of Directors member Paula Ling, and Club member Myron MacKay. We also had two stick curling instructors, Bryan Ferguson and Shirley Lank, on hand, but no prospective stick curlers were in attendance.

sophieveronicaPhoto: Veronica Smith giving instruction to Sophie Gallant

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