Learn to curl! No cost! No obligation! Lots of fun!

Learn to curl

If you would like to try out the sport of curling at no cost and no obligation, be sure to attend our free “Introduction to Curling” nights, October 15, 16, and 17, from 6:30-9 pm. Come one, any, or all nights, as we will have several levels of instruction available each night. We’ll start you off with a dry land lesson on curling, including basic concepts, rules, and ethics, and then you will take to the ice to throw some rocks at our houses, learn to SWEEP!, HURRY HARD!, and have some fun. After curling, club members will be available to answer any questions you may have, including how to join our Club if you are interested. Bring clean sneakers with you, and wear stretchy or loose pants, and a light jacket. Sliders and sweeping brushes will be provided. These sessions are for adults only (junior curlers receive instruction as part of their regular program) and there is no obligation to join the Club (but we’d certainly like new members!)

Curling is a wonderful way to pass the winter, get some exercise, socialize (curlers sit down with their teammates and opposition after their match, to discuss the game over a drink or two), and have some fun (have you heard about our legendary bonspiels?)

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