Upstreet Craft Brewing Tuesday Evening Competitive League wraps up for the season!

Wellll….we did it!
The 2020-21 curling season has now come to end for our Upstreet Craft Brewing Tuesday Evening Competitive League!
And it was awesome!

This league hosted eighteen teams and some of the best curlers the island has to offer ~ and as a result there was some incredible curling!

A very BIG thank you to our League Draw Master Bill Hope!
Thank you Bill, genuinely, for the time you have spent planning and organizing this league, especially during these unusual times. Your time and contributions to our Club and community is so appreciated!

The foundation of our club is incredible volunteers who step up and take on projects, events, and leagues… so we all can enjoy the wonderful benefits of sport. Now more than ever, recreation enriches our lives by supporting physical and metal health opportunities~ and creating community connections that matter.
This could not be possible without our supportive volunteers.

All other evening leagues still have one (in some cases two) more games left , and so our season is not over yet here at the Cornwall Curling Club!

Stay tuned for the results of our Upstreet Brewing Tuesday Evening Competitive League in the days to come!

#Community  #PEI #Volunteers  curlingclublife #ThisLeagueisHot #KeepCurling Curling Canada PEI Curling News Sport PEI Town of Cornwall PEI

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