2014-2015 Season wrapup – winners circle

Curling has come to an end for another season, and what a season it was for the Cornwall Curling Curling Club, with national awards, regional awards and championships, an almost total sweep of the 55+ Games curling and stick sections, and provincial championships or regional qualifiers in every age category, from Under 13 right through to Masters! We may have inadvertently omitted a few (let me know and I’ll add them), but here’s a list of our awards and championships, starting at the national, and ending at the Club level.

National Awards:


CCA Photo (L-R): Joan Mead Legacy Award and scholarship male winner Alex Cormier, CCA Board of Governors Chair Marilyn Neily, Joan Mead Legacy Award and scholarship female winner Chloé McCloskey

Joan Mead Legacy Award and scholarship at Canadian Juniors: Chloé McCloskey
Fairplay Award winner at Canadian Juniors: Katie Fullerton

Regional Championsips:
AUAA Qualifier for the CIS University Nationals: Veronica Smith team
Maritime Stick women’s champions (5th time): Gloria Clarke and Ruth Stavert
Atlantic U18 award for a women’s team coach: Pat Quilty

Provincial Championships and awards

Junior Women’s: Veronica Smith team (third consecutive championship)
Junior Men’s runners-up: Matthew MacLean team (from Cornwall and Maple Leaf)
Butch McGee, coach of Cornwall’s Jenny McLean team, won the Asham Coaching Award while Emily Keen, third on the McLean rink, won the Fair Play sportsmanship award.
The Lauren Lenentine rink went 3-0 to win the Future Scotties round robin,while the Devin Schut team were runners-up in the Future Tankard.

Sport PEI Score! Award for December: Veronica Smith Junior Team

Travelers Women’s winners – Lisa Jackson rink

Advantage Comm Jr. Mixed: Veronica Smith rink
Advantage Comm Jr Mixed runners-up team members – Lauren Lenentine,  Breanne Burgoyne

Provincial Mixed Champions – team member Chloe McCloskey

Holland College Hurricanes Team: Jaylene Holmes-Tang rink
UPEI Team: Veronica Smith rink

Provincial Senior Women’s Champs – Shirley Berry team

Provincial Mixed Doubles champion – Katie Fullerton and Kyle Holland (Ch’town)
Mixed Doubles runners-up Chloé McCloskey and Tyler Smith (Crapaud)

PEI Masters Women’s Champs – Shirley Berry rink
Masters Women’s Runners-up: Diane MacKay team.

Provincial Stick Open Division winners: Barry Craswell, Sterling Stratton
Provincial Stick Womens Div. winners: Gloria Clarke, Ruth Stavert

Provincial U18 runners-up and Atlantic U18 qualifiers: Lauren Lenentine rink
Provincial U16 boy’s champs: Donald DeWolfe rink
Provincial U16 girl’s runners-up Kristie Rogers team
U16 Fair Play/Sportsmanship Award Winners: Mitchell Schut and Kristie Rogers
Provincial U13 champs – Mitchell Schut team

55+ Games regular curling
Men’s Division
GOLD- Paul Arsenault, Frank Weiler, Edgar Coffin, Ron Giggey

55+ Mixed Division

GOLD- Paul Durant, Joanne Durant, Eugene Murphy, Carol Sweetapple
SILVER- Bob MacWilliams, Myrna Craswell, Myrna Sanderson, Lewis Black
BRONZE- Barry Craswell, Roger DesRoches, Danielle Girard, Helen Smith

65+ Mixed Division

GOLD- Vince Fisher, Karen Fisher, Kimball Blanchard, Eileen Blanchard
SILVER- Tom Dunn, Roddie MacLean, Hanny MacLeod, Miriam MacLean
BRONZE- Paul Field, Bernie Field, Carolyn Crockett, Grant Crockett

55+ Games stick curling champs
Open Division (any combination male and/or female)
GOLD- Bryan Sutherland & Alva Clarey
SILVER- Barry Craswell & Stirling Stratton
BRONZE- Roddy MacLean & Andre Gauthier

Women’s Division
GOLD- Gloria Clarke & Ruth Stavert
SILVER- Etta Reid & Myrna Craswell
BRONZE- Mary Plamondon & Cathy Clarey

Club winners

Travelers Club Championship
Winning women’s: Lisa Jackson, Carolyn Coulson, Melissa Morrow, Jodi Murphy
Winning men’s: Angus Kennedy, Jeff Taylor, Brent Irving, Angus Davies
Runner-up women’s: Kelly Watts, Cathy Handren, Paula Ling, Theresa Andrews
Runner-up men’s: Paul Neima, Joe Callaghan, Ankur Deshpande, Alan Mason

Kenmac Bonspiel winners: Angus Kennedy, runners-up Bob Fowler rinks

Cornwall Rocks! Overall winners – tied between Paul Neima and Jim Orr rinks, with Neima winning a coin toss to decide the winner.

PEI Brewing Co. Closing Spiel Winners: Red team
The Blue Team of Eric Leblanc, Bob MacWilliams, Myrna Sanderson and Helen Smith took the individual team prize for winning the most (Monopoly) money.

Glen Afton Golf Club U13/14 spiel
U13 Runners-up (after a draw to the button to determine the winner): Mitchell Schut team.
U14 Winners: Brandon O’Grady  team.
U14 Runners-up: Gillian Barbrick team

Club draw winners (missing reports from some draws)

Wednesday evening Ladder League draw winners
Round three A Pool, sponsored by New Glasgow Lobster Suppers
Paul Durant, Danny Kneabone, Alan Acorn, Aaron Campbell

Round three B Pool, sponsored by Royal Garden
Paul Neima, Joe Callaghan, Ankur Deshpande, Alan Mason

Round two A pool, sponsored by Murphys Cornwall Pharmacy
Paul Durant, Danny Kneabone, Alan Acorn, Aaron Campbell

Round two B pool, sponsored by Griffin’s Auto Service
Gord Peters, Hank Kamphuis, Gerald Dykerman, Pat MacInnis

Round One, both pools sponsored by Lowther Snow Removal.
A Pool:
Mark MacDonald, Brad Gardiner, Wayne Dalziel, Wayne Goodwin

B Pool:
Bob Fowler, Carl Currie, Thane Thompson, Danny Young

Thursday evening draw winners

Draw # 3, sponsored by Cornwall Tire and Auto
Danny Kneabone, Rebecca Rolfe, Lisa MacEachern and Marybeth McInnis
Draw # 2, sponsored by Cornwall Pizza Delight
Jeff Taylor, Lee Nickerson, Nicole MacEachern and Marybeth McInnis (our only double winner)
Draw # 1, sponsored by KFC and the Cornwall Curling Club
Myrna Sanderson, Frank Martin, Angela Sanderson and Dave Power

Bonspiels at other clubs:

George’s Deck and Recovery U13 Spiel (Montague)
Winner: Emma Coffin
Runner-up: Hayden Ford

Other Club accomplishments/awards

The Cornwall Curling Club were recipients of Island Community Fund funding for new furniture, equipment, rock refurbishing.

A successful “Cornwall Rocks” bonspiel was held, which raised $2575 for rock refurbishment.
The Club also received a provincial grant by which they were able to introduce dozens of PEI newcomers to the sport in Sunday evening sessions with the PEI Newcomers Assoc.

Sadly, a few of our former members passed away, including Nucker Richards, Jack Fairhurst, Jim Fleming. and Al Hammond.

Thanks to everyone who made our 2014-2015 season such a success!

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