Photo Bill Hope, skip of KFC Competitive team championship rink, receives plaque from Club President Bob Fowler
The Cornwall Curling Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Awards night was held Friday evening at the Club. Bill Hope was on hand to receive the plaque for the winning team in the KFC Tuesday Night Competitive league. Other members of the Hope team are third Ted MacFadyen, second Craig Mackie, and lead David Murphy. Gift certificates, and a few T-Shirts were presented to winners, and, depending on the number of rounds, runners-up in the various draws, thanks to our generous sponsors.
President Bob Fowler presided over the AGM, attended by 26 people. Some of the highlights:
A new member incentive of a 10% dues reduction for each new member recruited resulted in 30 new members for a payout of $770 in reduced fees.
The new ice plant and reduced electicity costs this year resulted in a reduction of around $3000.
There was discussion around the purchase of a First Aid “back board” (stretcher) for moving those who incur injuries. Bev said that they were advised NOT to move anyone – to call 911 and wait for the first responders. It was agreed instead to purchase a couch where those who need a place to lay down may do so.
It was reported that a new Ice King, a TV, a kitchen cart, and office computer equipment were purchased using a government grant program where the Club only paid 25% of the cost.
The Financial Report indicated a loss for the year, due to having to pay for the previous year’s electricity (about $12K) and some other expenses, and due to a financial decision to begin depreciating assets. Had these expenses not been incurred, it would have been a breakeven year.
It was reported that 25 Junior curlers were in the instructional program. Coordinator was Brenda MacMillan, assisted by Greg Groves. It was suggested that the times be moved to 4-6 pm on Sunday.
Three successful club bonspiels were held during the year, and Cornwall curlers were big winners at the provincials, the 55+ Games, and the national Stick championships, held at the Club.
A new scoreboard was purchased and installed near year-end, sponsored by Fitzgerald and Snow.
The daytime curlers had a very busy season on the ice, and also provided food for a number of events, and raised money for plaques to honour provincial winners, rock handles and boot cleaners. The Lorne MacPhail award was redefined to honour a new daytime curler who made a notable contribution to the Club, and was awarded to Grant and Carolyn Crockett. They recommended more stick curling next year, and to move the overflow Wednesday afternoon curling to another time other than Wednesday morning.
There were 272 members this year, the same as last, including 42 junior and 12 Junior Plus.
$719 profit was realized from the television draw.
Five new board members were nominated: Edgar Coffin, Jeffrey Taylor, Carlene Peters, Paula Ling, and Derek MacEwen. Kevin Arsenault, Lorianne Davies, Arleen Harris, and Mike Lafontaine have completed their term on the board, while Bob Fowler will stay on as Past President.
The attendees were asked for their opinion on whether to keep or remove the centre lockers in both boardrooms, as there is a shortage of space, particularly during provincial events where all players are the same sex. Members felt that, as long as they are rented, we should keep them, but look at other ways to save space, such as removing the slanted area on the top of the side lockers, or offering racks outside the locker rooms, so there would be room for kit bags.
There was also discussion on the need for larger TV monitors for the houses on each ice sheet, which would be brought to the new Board.
Attendees were reminded of the golf tournament on June 22 at Countryview.