Atlantic Canada’s best curlers in action at CARI Complex starting Thursday-don’t miss it!

The Curl Atlantic Championship, set for the CARI Complex in Charlottetown Sept. 12-15, promises exciting curling action and affordable ticket prices. Blair Weeks, co-chair of the championship, says that the event will promise some of the most exciting first class curling that Atlantic Canada has to offer. “We are incredibly excited for the start of this event as our field of competitors includes well-known national champions, as well as local curling stars that are sure to draw crowds.”
Former Brier champion Mark Dacey and five-time Scotties Tournament of Hearts champion Mary Anne Arsenault will be among the skips vying for the 2013 Curl Atlantic Championship titles, as will PEI’s reigning Scotties champ Suzanne Birt, former national Scotties silver medallist Kathy O’Rourke, and Eddie MacKenzie, who, along with Newfoundland’s Stacie Deveraux, are participating as defending event champions. Other PEI entries are skipped by current Senior men’s champ and men’s runner-up Rod MacDonald, along with Jamie Newson.
The Curl Atlantic Championship is the premiere annual curling event for the region. The highly competitive event is comprised of twelve men’s teams and twelve women’s teams vying for their respective titles. Both the men’s and women’s divisions will have two pools of six teams playing a round-robin draw prior to play-off rounds. Earlier this year, the City of Charlottetown and the CARI Complex were awarded the hosting rights to the event through 2015.
The event provides a unique opportunity for avid curling fans and general sport enthusiasts alike to be a part of an exciting event. “With affordable ticket options, we are making this event as accessible as possible to everyone who wants to come out and cheer on their favourite curlers,” added Weeks.
An adult championship pass, which provides access to all draws, including the playoff round and championship games, is $30 (taxes included). A youth (age 16 and under) or senior (age 60 and over) championship pass is $20, and a general day pass is $10.
Tickets are now available for purchase online by visiting Tickets are also available in person at the CARI Complex.
For ongoing information on the championship, visit or follow @CurlAtlantic on Twitter.

2013 Curl Atlantic Championship Team rosters (SKIP to lead, province)



A1: Andrea Crawford, Rebecca Atkinson, Danielle Parsons, Jodie de Solla (New Brunswick)

A2: Mary-Anne Arsenault, Kim Kelly, Christie Gamble, Jenn Baxter (Nova Scotia)

A3: Stacie Devereaux, Erin Porter, Marie Christianson, Noelle Thomas-Kennedy (Newfoundland)

A4: Kathy O’Rourke, Meaghan Hughes, Robyn Green, Tricia Affleck (Prince Edward Island)

A5: Colleen Pinkney, Wendy Currie, Shelley MacNutt, Susan Creelman (Nova Scotia)

A6: Christina Black, Jane Snyder, Katarina Hakansson, Mary Sue Radford (Nova Scotia)



C1: Suzanne Birt, Shelly Bradley, Michelle McQuaid, Susan McInnis (Prince Edward Island)

C2: Heather Smith-Dacey, Jill Brothers, Blisse Joyce, Teri Lake (Nova Scotia)

C3: Sylvie Robichaud, Mary Jane McGuire, Megan McGuire, Marie Richard (New Brunswick)

C4: Shelly Nichols, Michelle Jewer, Kelli Turpin, Rhonda Rogers (Newfoundland)

C5: Melissa Adams, Jaclyn Crandall, Abby Burgess, Shelby Wilson (New Brunswick)

C6: Beth Hamilton, Jillian Waite, Lauren Wasylkiw, Adrienne Mercer (Newfoundland)




B1: James Grattan, Jason Roach, Darren Roach, Josh Barry (New Brunswick)

B2: Mark Dacey, Stuart Thompson, Steve Burgess, Andrew Gibson (Nova Scotia)

B3: Zach Eldridge, Chris Jeffrey, Brian King, Robert Daley (New Brunswick)

B4: Rod MacDonald, Kevin Champion, Mark O’Rourke, Mark Victor (Prince Edward Island)

B5: Peter Burgess, Craig Burgess, Jared Bent, Todd Burgess (Nova Scotia)

B6: Jamie Newson, Andrew Robinson, Sean Clarey, John Desrosiers (Prince Edward Island)



D1: Jamie Murphy, Jordan Pinder, Mike Bardsley, Donald McDermaid (Nova Scotia)

D2: Ian Fitzner-LeBlanc, Ian Juurlink, Graham Breckon, Kelly Mittelstadt (Nova Scotia)

D3: Eddie MacKenzie, Tyler MacKenzie, Anson Carmody, Sean Ledgerwood (Prince Edward Island)

D4: Marc le Cocq, Andy McCann, Scott Jones, Jamie Brannen (New Brunswick)

D5: Tom Sullivan, Paul Dobson, Chris MacRae, Kerry MacLean (Nova Scotia)

D6: Chad Stevens, Cameron MacKenzie, Scott Saccary, Philip Crowell (Nova Scotia)

Curl Atlantic Championship draw (sheets 1 through 5)

Thursday Sept. 12

1:00 PM Black (NS) vs. Crawford (NB), Devereaux (NL) vs. O’Rourke (PE), Pinkney (NS) vs. Arsenault (NS), Eldridge (NB) vs. MacDonald (PE), Newson (PE) vs. Grattan (NB)

5:00 PM Stevens (NS) vs. Murphy (NS), Smith-Dacey (NS) vs. Adams (NB), Hamilton (NL) vs. Birt (PE), Nichols (NL) vs. Robichaud (NB), Burgess (NS) vs. Dacey (NS)

9:00 PM Fitzner-LeBlanc (NS) vs. Le Cocq (NB), MacKenzie (PE) vs. Sullivan (NS), Crawford (NB) vs. O’Rourke (PE), Pinkney (NS) vs. Devereaux (NL), Arsenault (NS) vs. Black (NS)

Friday Sept. 13

8:00 AM Grattan (NB) vs. Burgess (NS), MacDonald (PE) vs. Dacey (NS), Newson (PE) vs. Eldridge (NB). Birt (PE) vs. Adams (NB), Smith-Dacey (NS) vs. Nichols (NL)

12:00 PM Arsenault (NS) vs. O’Rourke (PE), Murphy (NS) vs. Le Cocq (NB), Sullivan (NS) vs. Fitzner-LeBlanc (NS), MacKenzie (PE) vs. Stevens (NS), Robichaud (NB) vs. Hamilton (NL)

4:00 PM Dacey (NS) vs. Eldridge (NB), Black (NS) vs. Pinkney (NS), Adams (NB) vs. Nichols (NL), MacDonald (PE) vs. Grattan (NB), Devereaux (NL) vs. Crawford (NL)

8:30 PM Hamilton (NL) vs. Smith-Dacey (NS), Birt (PE) vs. Robichaud (NB), Fitzner-LeBlanc (NS) vs. MacKenzie (PE), Burgess (NS) vs. Newson (PE), Sullivan (NS) vs. Murphy (NS)

Saturday Sept. 14

8:00 AM Crawford (NB) vs. Pinkney (NB), O’Rourke (PE) vs. Black (NS), Grattan (NB) vs. Dacey (NS), Devereaux (NL) vs. Arsenault (NS), Le Cocq (NB) vs. Stevens (NS)

12:00 PM Newson (PE) vs. MacDonald (PE), Burgess (NS) vs. Eldridge (NB), Robichaud (NB) vs. Smith-Dacey (NS), Adams (NB) vs. Hamilton (NL), Nichols (NL) vs. Birt (PE)

4:00 PM Murphy (NS) vs. Le Cocq (NB), Stevens (NS) vs. Fitzner-LeBlanc (NS), Black (NS) vs. Devereaux (NL), Le Cocq (NB) vs. Sullivan (NS), O’ Rourke (PE) vs. Pinkney (NS)

8:00 PM Smith-Dacey (NS) vs. Birt (PE), Dacey (NS) vs. Newson (PE), Eldridge (NB) vs. Grattan (NB), Arsenault (NS) vs. Crawford (NB), MacDonald (PE) vs. Burgess (NS)

Sunday Sept 15

8:00 AM Robichaud (NB) vs. Adams (NB), Nichols (NL) vs. Hamilton (NL), MacKenzie (PE) vs. Le Cocq (NB), Fitzner-LeBlanc (NS) vs. Murphy (NS). Stevens (NS) vs. Sullivan (NS)


4:00 PM WOMEN’S FINAL (Sheet 2),  MEN’S FINAL (Sheet 4)

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