Coming in March – Cornwall Rocks Fundraising FunSpiel


Dear Club Members:

It has been expressed by members, since advertising a Ladies Bonspiel, that there is interest in a Fundraising Bonspiel to raise money towards the cost of having our rocks refurbished (approximately $8000 required), as well as an opportunity to increase the social atmosphere within our club.  Recognizing our members are quite active within and take great pride in our club, it has been decided to cancel the Ladies Bonspiel and focus on a more encompassing funspiel for everyone. Therefore the Cornwall Curling Club will be hosting “Cornwall Rocks” from March 6-8th, 2015.
For any event to be successful, we will require the continued participation from our members, as we are hoping for 32 teams.  This event is open to all curlers, including nonmembers and members from other clubs.  Team entry or single entry is permissible, and the sign up sheet will be posted shortly.  This is a mixed event, so the team requires an opposite gender in either the Skip or Mate position.  Each team will play three 6 end games, scheduling and fee will be forth coming once more details are finalized.
The details of “Cornwall Rocks’ are still a work in progress, but be assured it will be an awesome weekend!  So wear your favourite hat and shine up those “dancing” shoes, cause The Cornwall Curling Club will be “rocking”, not just on the ice!!
Any suggestions or comments contact:
Kimberley MacDonald
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