Cornwall curlers enjoying the 55+ Games

Cornwall curlers are getting lots of media coverage at the 55+ Games in Charlottetown, with Jean Anderson and Barry Craswell interviewed on CBC Compass last night, and Kimball Blanchard featured in The Guardian today! Thanks for all the kinds words for both the sport and our Club!

 kimball2Kimball Blanchard says curling is a wonderful winter activity.


Here’s an excerpt from today’s story:

Kimball Blanchard curls in Cornwall and has been since the 1990s. He enjoys the friendships.

“I always enjoy the game, but probably with the group out in Cornwall, you enjoy primarily the people, and the game secondary, and you can get good exercise out of it as well.”

He said it keeps people active and involved.

“It’s just a wonderful, social activity. People are here to enjoy themselves and even though we’re older, we still have that little bit of competitive spirit too.”

Over 500 Islanders age 55+ are taking part in the Games in a variety of sports and activities.

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