Cornwall Curling Club to welcome PEI Newcomers in January

peiancThe Cornwall Curling Club has invited some of our newest Islanders, with the help of the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEIANC), and a grant from the Province of PEI to help pay for staff and ice time,  to come out and try the very Canadian game of curling, on three consecutive Sunday evenings in January:

Sunday, January 11 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
, January 18 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm
, January 25 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Much like our beginning of season curling instruction, the new curlers are invited to come out any or all nights, if space is available. Curlers will also receive a free hot chocolate.

We will be putting up a signup sheet on Monday calling for volunteers to help out with on-ice instruction and game play. We will need at least one person (preferably two) per sheet per evening. As well as curling know-how, any experience you may have with teaching people whose first language is not English would be an asset.

Newcomers who are interested in taking part are asked to send in your names to:

Joe Byrne
Community Connections
PEI Association for  Newcomers To Canada
49 Water St. Charlottetown, PE  C1A 1A3

Phone: 902-628-6009 x224


For more information on the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada, visit

(by the way, Tuesday night curler Craig Mackie is the Executive Director of the Association).

Funding for this initiative is being provided under the Sport Partnership and Engagement Program, a project of the Sport Participation Bilateral which is jointly funded by the Province of PEI (Department of Health and Wellness) and the Federal Government (Canadian Heritage – Sport Canada).


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