Here are the medal winners in the KFC/Curl PEI Under 13 Funspiel held Sunday here at the Cornwall Curling Club:
1st Place : Team Sanderson 41 Points (Montague/Cornwall curling clubs) L-R: Gayle Johnston-Curl PEI Jr. Events Coordinator, Skip: Emily Sanderson, 3rd Adele Breau, Lead: Elijah Blue and Coach Nancy Collier. Missing from photo 2nd stone Ben Collings-MacKay.
2nd Place: Team Bailey 37 Points (Cornwall Curling Club) L-R: Gayle Johnston-Curl PEI Jr. Events Coordinator, Skip Bailey O’Grady, 3rd stone Hayden Ford, 2nd stone Karina McNeill, Leads Hannah Kirby & Rachel MacLeod. Missing from photo: Coach Brenda MacMillan
3rd Place: Team Brandon O’Grady 35 Points (Cornwall Curling Club), L-R: Gayle Johnston–Curl PEI Jr. Events Coordinator, Coach Greg Grove, Skip Brandon O’Grady, 3rd Chase MacMillan 2nd stone Stuart Ferguson, Lead Ethan Belbin.
Thanks to Angus Davies and KFC for sponsoring another great event!