Cornwall receives funding to help cover costs of rock refurbishment, new ice scraper, etc.

The Hon. Ron MacKinley, provincial Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development, paid a visit to the Cornwall Curling Club this afternoon, to present two cheques for funding received under the Island Community Fund  – one for $18.064 for a number of items, including a new ice scraper, new boot cleaners and new furniture for the lounge area, and a second one, for $6880, to help the club refurbish its 30 year old rocks during the off-season. The club will be financing the remainder of the rock refurbishment costs through a fundraising bonspiel, “Cornwall Rocks” in March, and other fundraising initiatives.


Left to right: Club President Frank Martin, Club Facilities Chair Jeffrey Taylor, Club Manager Bev McCormick, the Hon. Ron MacKinleycornwallfunding2

Left to right: Club President Frank Martin, Club Manager Bev McCormick, Head Icemaker Lance Lowther, Club Facilities Chair Jeff Taylor, the Hon. Ron MacKinley

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