But that’s not all!! MacEwen continues to put his information technology expertise to use managing and contributing content to Cornwall Curling Club’s website (www.cornwallcurling.com), as well as the Curl PEI website (www.peicurling.com).
MacEwen retired a year ago from working for the federal government in their IT department and just returned from a much-deserved two week vacation with his partner and 11 year old son to Europe (the photo below is of MacEwen in a gondola in Venice!)
“I love volunteering because it lets me give back to the sport I love, and through my website, social media and writing work I can spread the word on how great a sport curling is!”
Do you know of a curler/curling volunteer who deserves recognition? Send us a quick email at socialmedia@curling.ca and we can make that happen!