The “B” final winner has been determined, and its down to three teams out of the four that began play Friday at the PEI Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Summerside. The Suzanne Birt rink doubled “A” final winner Kathy O’Rourke 8-4 to win the B final this evening. This means that the Monday championship round will take place, as there will be at least two teams advancing from the modified triple knockout round. Meanwhile, defending champion Kim Dolan remained alive down in the C event, eliminating Cornwall’s Lisa Jackson rink, the only team in the event not from the Charlottetown Curling Complex, in a close 8-7 game. Jackson attempted a tricky double raise and roll the shooter with her final shot to stay alive, but couldn’t pull it off.
End by end recap:
End 10 – 2 of 2: Jackson tries double raise & roll shooter into house but only gets 1. Final: Dolan 8 Jackson 7. Jackson out.
End 10 – 1 of 2: Birt runs O’Rourke team out of rocks. Final score Birt 8 O’Rourke 4. Birt wins the B final.
End 9: Dolan draws for 1. Dolan 8 Jackson 6. O’Rourke tries runback against 2, but misses. Birt 8 O’Rourke 4 coming home
End 8 Jackson draws for 2. Dolan 7 Jackson 6. O’Rourke team draws against 2, but a bit heavy. Steal of 1. Birt 6 O’Rourke 4
End 7 – 2 of 2: O’Rourke rink tries to draw for piece of button for 1. light. steal of 1. Birt 5 O’Rourke 4 after 7
End 7 1 of 2: Jackson draws vs 1. heavy. Gives up steal of 1. Dolan 7 Jackson 4
End 6: Jackson throws through for the blank. Dolan 6 Jackson 4 Birt draws against 4. Makes it. O’Rourke 4 Birt 4=
End 5: Dolan hits to roll out but sticks for 1. Dolan 6 Jackson 4 Birt’s draw to bite button is light. O’Rourke 4 Birt 3
End 4: Jackson gets 3 on a measure. Dolan 5 Jackson 4. O’Rourke team draws against 2 & makes it. Birt 3 O’Rourke 3 after 4
End 3: Dolan taps Jackson stone out for 4. Dolan 5 Jackson 1 Birt draws against 1, gets 1. Birt 3 O’Rourke 2.
End 2: Jackson tries to blank but sticks for 1, Dolan 1 Jackson 1. O’Rourke rink draws for 3 but get 2. Birt 2 O’Rourke 2
End 1: Dolan tries to blank but sticks for 1 to lead Jackson 1-0. Green draws against 2 but is light. 2-0 Birt over O’Rourke.
There are only two games left in the knockout round, with Dolan taking on O’Rourke at 10 am Sunday, and the winner playing Birt in the “C” final at 3 pm. If either O’Rourke or Birt win the “C” they will play in both Monday championship round games at 1 and 6 pm, and win the event if they take either, while their opponent would have to win both. If Dolan wins, the team who played in the most section finals would get the bye to the second championship round game.
The winning team from the Scotties Tournament of Hearts Provincial Women’s Championship will advance to the national 2015 Scotties in Moose Jaw SK, Feb. 14-22.
Meanwhile, the second of two rounds has been played at the 8 end Future Scotties round robin developmental event, with the young Sierra Clyke team from Crapaud and the Silver Fox pulling out a win over Cornwall’s Kristie Rogers foursome, tying the game with a four point 8th end, and then stealing the extra for an 8-7 win. The other afternoon game saw Cornwall’s Lauren Lenentine steal the 7th and 8th ends for a 7-4 victory over Lauren Moerike and her Charlottetown team. After two of the three rounds, Lenentine is 2-0, while Moerike and Clyke are 1-1 and Rogers is 0-2.
Live Curlcast results for both events are available at (
Updates are also available on Twitter @PEICurling.
There is no admission charge to attend the event.