Cornwall’s Shirley Berry splits openers at Canadian Seniors

PEI’s Peter MacDonald rink lost their opener 9-3 to Alberta on Saturday at the World Financial Group Canadian Seniors in Ottawa.
Cornwall’s Shirley Berry also lost to Alberta, by a 9-5 score, and scored two points in the last end to edge the Northwest Territories/Yukon team 7-6. MacDonald plays the Territories at 11 this morning PEI time.

Next up for the Islanders is British Columbia, at 4 (men) and 8:30 pm (women) Atlantic.

Alberta, Sask., and NB currently lead the women’s standings, at 2-0, while Albarta, Quebec, BC, Northern Ont. and Sask. all have one win on the men’s side.

Rod MacDonald throws fourth stones for the Peter MacDonald rink, with Peter calling the game and throwing second. Peter Gallant throws third, with Doug MacGregor throwing lead stones.

The Shirley Berry rink includes third Sandy Hope, second Shelley Ebbett, and lead Arleen Harris.

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