We`ve had to make a few draw changes to accommodate which nights our members would like to curl, and to keep byes to a minimum, particularly on single-entry draws, so that our members get their money`s worth. Here are the changes and current availability:
1) We’ve decided to cancel our Sunday night draw, as we’ve been able to accommodate our members on weeknights, which, we have learned, is when they prefer to curl. The Sunday evening spot will be available for rental.
2) We have a big signup for Monday evening single-entry at 6:30, and, in order to accommodate everyone, we’ve decided to reserve space for eight more players, by using a sheet of ice at 8:30 as well (we’ve got six commercial league teams, so there is a sheet free). That means that every five weeks or so, a team will play at 8:30. If you are in the draw and cannot curl at 8:30, let us know as soon as possible – we have a couple of spots on Thursday at 6 that you could switch to. We currently have five vacancies on the Monday draw, so if you are interested in changing to, or adding Monday night to your draws, let us know. We also looked into the possibility of byes, but decided that using the 8:30 sheet would give our members more opportunity to curl.
3) We have 16 teams for Tuesday competitive, the perfect number!
4) We have the same number of teams as last year for Wednesday Ladder League (17), which means one bye (no change).
5) We have a couple of spots left on Thursday at 6.
6) Signup is low for The Dominion league on Thursday at 8. Decision on this will be made soon.
Thanks for your support as we continue to make our draws suit our membership! And remember – it’s still not too late to sign-up!